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It's Time to Use my Voice Again

HL Thompson

There is an ebb and flow to life. I’ve been in the quiet. It’s time to use my voice again.

In early 2020, just before the pandemic reached Seattle, I stepped into the quiet of contemplation. With my “badass nun Spiritual Director”, I delved into…

~Writing ✍️

~Artistic expression through the language of color

~Raising a flock of Indian Runner Ducks 🦆

~Saying goodbye to my beloved Horse 🐎

and my English Bulldog

and my cat and my two goats 🐐


There is so much I could say, but this post is for one reason only; it's time to use my VOICE again.

Through the great pain of sepsis, followed by the spiritual, physical and emotional aftermath, I’ve made a significant shift.

I have stories to tell.

I need to reintroduce myself!

I have value to contribute to the dialogue on disability and rare disease, especially from the patient's perspective.

And most importantly, my new English Bulldog Hoover will require a fair amount of attention because she’s wonderful! (Note-Her paw 🐾 hurts today. Poor girl.

I’ll end with this …




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