There is an ebb and flow to life. I’ve been in the quiet. It’s time to use my voice again.

In early 2020, just before the pandemic reached Seattle, I stepped into the quiet of contemplation. With my “badass nun Spiritual Director”, I delved into…
~Writing ✍️
~Artistic expression through the language of color
~Raising a flock of Indian Runner Ducks 🦆
~Saying goodbye to my beloved Horse 🐎
and my English Bulldog
and my cat and my two goats 🐐
There is so much I could say, but this post is for one reason only; it's time to use my VOICE again.
Through the great pain of sepsis, followed by the spiritual, physical and emotional aftermath, I’ve made a significant shift.
I have stories to tell.
I need to reintroduce myself!
I have value to contribute to the dialogue on disability and rare disease, especially from the patient's perspective.

And most importantly, my new English Bulldog Hoover will require a fair amount of attention because she’s wonderful! (Note-Her paw 🐾 hurts today. Poor girl.
I’ll end with this …