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Creative Contemplative Cohort-This Weekend!

HL Thompson


Contemplative Cohort

Session Details

Via Zoom, Saturday at 10 AM Pacific

February 15, 22 & March 1

$97 (Only available until 8pm Tuesday)

Limited Openings Available

Simply send me an email at to register



Art Saves Lives

Art Heals the Soul

Contemplative Art is Rest

Contemplative Art is Rejuvenation

Contemplative Art is Accessible to ANYONE.

Why not give it a try?


I began 2025 with the intention of aligning myself with LOVE – the kind that gives birth to stars and babies with equal attention; that knows no beginning or end; that does not stop to determine if a person is worthy—just LOVE.

In recognition of Valentine’s Day 2025, I am opening the first Contemplative Creative Cohort. Participants will gather on Zoom to learn the gentle art of meditative drawing.

“But I don’t know how to draw!” Perfect – neither did I when I first put pen to paper! No artistic ability is necessary. The only requirement is a genuine interest in learning with an open heart and mind.


On March 6, 2011, the tailgate of my SUV fell on my head while loading groceries. I sustained a life-changing “traumatic brain injury” – also known as a concussion. My career as a top strategist in home care and hospice suddenly on hold, marking the beginning of a long healing journey.

I have what’s called Acquired Savantism. The injury unlocked my innate creativity. According to the late Dr. Darold Treffert, an expert in Savants, this “island of genius” exists within all of us—we just need to learn how to access it.

Over the years, I had several discussions with Dr. T (as we affectionately called him) about my ability and desire to teach others how to access this special healing spot at the heart of creativity. While many have asked, I have not been ready—until now.

Space is limited and the price is low for this inaugural cohort. I hope to see you there!


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